Time to Get Sidetracked!!!

Monday, June 2, 2008

O.G. Playas! How Homantic!

I meet a lot of different people at work. The most recent one is this contractor dude who was hired by my building to clean/steam the carpet.

Man, this guy is in his late 40s and still goes out every night trying to hook up with chicks. Yes, he does talk like that. Yes, he calls middle-aged woman chicks. Yes, he says, "That's what she says." Yes, he shows me his freaking dance moves when he's taking a break from his work. Yes, he flexes his biceps and bounces his pecs and asks chicks if they could do that too. Yes, he says life is so homantic!!!

Funny thing is, this guy is actually a pretty nice guy. But it seems like he's been in a lot of bad relationships and it's like the problem of the chicken and the egg. Did bad experiences changed the way he views women or was he always this way and it caused him to have bad experiences?

Who the hell knows, but one thing is for sure, it's a little unsettling to hear stories of how these women (moms with teenage kids) go out every night "hooking up" with these dudes. Maybe I grew up in a traditional household, but I'll probably barf if my mom goes out every night getting wasted and taking these dudes home when I'm trying to do my homework! People always try to place the blame on the guys but it's a 2-way street and the guys won't be acting this way if there aren't any women out there to socialize with.

Now I'm not judging one bit, people should live their lives how the hell they want, but this reminds me of the movie "The Wedding Singer" starring Adam Sandler. In the movie, Adam has a friend who is like this: Middle-aged, single, and still out trying to "bag" chicks. But in a scene where they're in a sad dive bar, he reveals how lonely and depressed he is because he just wants someone to hold him and tell him, "everything's gonna be ok."

That's the way I feel about this contractor dude. He tells me how he's having tons of fun, but he really want to have kids. Only problem is, all the good ones are taken and he has to mess around with these women who are anything but "mommy material." He's always telling me how everything has changed and it is just so complicated nowadays with relationships. I have solace in knowing I'm not the only one who feels this way.

This is Carrie Bradshaw, and that's sex in da city bitches...

Friday, May 16, 2008

Taking the Goddang Bus!!!

Just like Homer Simpson says, "Buses are for jerks and lesbians"

God I hate taking the bus!!! In Frisco, it's one of the only options, especially when you try to get to the Financial District to work. Parking in the streets is like 2 bucks for 10 minutes!!! Yes, you read right, 2 bucks for flipping 10 minutes!!! So many times I have to endure the pain and agony known as riding the Muni- that's the name of the transit system in Frisco- to work. I have been on other buses, such as the SamTrans - that system serves San Mateo county - and it was a delight. Nice padded seats, AC, quiet folks, they have it going on. But Muni, goddang Muni is like a bus made to torture Guantanamo Bay prisoners!!!

First of all, it is flipping freezing most of the time because they have all the little windows on top open. But when it is hot, it is like a goddang smelly, shitty sauna with smelly losers and bums giving the bus a nice concoction of piss, sweat, trash, and body odor. Calvin Klein's "Bus Obsession," for jerks and lesbians. Exclusively at Muni.

Second, bums ride Muni because they always get on through the back door, just like the rest of the idiots. Where are the bums going you might ask? Who knows, maybe they're just cruising because they're tired from sleeping on the sidewalk next to their own piss and shit.

Thirdly, during the afternoon commute, the bus is a freaking circus!!! I'm sitting there surrounding with people on their cell phones talking about the most stupid, boring shit I ever heard. Now imagine some 8 dumb chicks yapping around you in a 360 degree circle. Now imagine some idiot "urban" dudes blasting stupid rap music to your left, a dude listening (with earphones on full blast) to a flippin' Mariachi band to your right, a fat sweaty pig taking up her entire seat and half of yours so you're practically squatting and some fool in a business suit with suitcases so big you think they're moving out of their apartment by bus, and some wrappers from Mickey D's stuck with stanky melted cheese all around your feet. That's what it's like every flipping day.

God, I'm gonna need to meditate just to get my mind off that personal hell. *sigh*

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Stella Artois beer

ok, First off, in the San Francisco Bay Area, Stella Artois is getting heavily promoted in the financial district. That's one of the reasons that I even heard of this beer. Sounds fancy, fancy billboards, so they did a great job of getting at least my attention.

They even got the attention of Costco in downtown SF. Last week cruising through the beer aisle, to my amazement, I saw them selling Stella Artois. So I said, what the heck, I gotta at least try it. A friend of mine, she tries to act snobby and sophisticated by the way, said she loves this "Italian" beer. First off, Artois does not sound Italian at all!!! If anything, it sounds French, but I know the French aren't known for beer. So I got hold of a bottle and found out that it is Belgian and I know they are well know for beer, just like the Germans and Dutch.

Hey, Heineken was not well known to most Americans until 10 years ago. So cool sexy tv commercials and ads made it a must have for yuppies. So Stella is following in Heineken's footsteps. It's worked so far.

So anyways, I wanted to see what all the fuss is about and I'm not gonna pay 8 bucks to drink this at a bar. So Costco sells them for around 23 bucks for a 24 pack. Not bad at all! Comparably priced to Coronas and Heinekens.

My first impression when I drank it was that it was a little on the light side. Kinda bland. But then half way through the bottle of beer, I realized how nice it really is!!! Virtually no aftertaste like Heinken, better flavor than Corona, and it gives you a very nice buzz. I'm not a beer aficionado to tell you about the hops and barley and all that shit, but for the average joe like me, you'll gonna really enjoy it. For one thing, I know it goes great with food, doesn't overpower but complements. Hey, those Belgian bastards been perfecting this shit since the 1300's!!! At least that's what the label says.

Final opinion: Very clean, smooth aftertaste. Nice beer for a mellow night out, or to pair with a nice dinner. Don't waste your money trying to get wasted on this, however, it does give u a nice buzz. Worth the money.

Iron Man review

I had a chance to catch iron man on saturday night, may 3rd, and i had to wait in line an hour early for a 9:30pm showing. The line was about 50 -60 people long and that's something I always try to avoid because i pretty much hate waiting in line for anything, but I had errands to run in the afternoon so that ended up being the only showtime I could get.

Special-effects wise, it was top notch. Very real looking, life -like, with excellent grades of light and surface texture. Way better than Star Wars prequels or The Hulk. Nothing in Iron Man was cartoonish or super smooth like a piece of peppermint candy, as in the aforementioned movies.

The inner conflict Tony Stark (Iron Man's public persona) dealt with gave him a real human quality. In the beginning of the movie, he was dogmatic about how his weapons were instruments of peace in an ever violent world. But after his capture by the Afghani terrorists, he started to see everything in a different perspective. He saw how his weapons, when in the wrong hands, could destroy communities, families, and societies.

Nevertheless, you would not want to go see this thing to comtemplate inner turmoil and all that shit. It still is a comic book/ action movie. The scenes where he flies around avoiding jet fighters assigned to destroy him because the military didn't know he was on their side was hot enough to give you goosebumps.

Robert Downey Jr gave an awesome performance. You sometimes forget how talented this guy is. I personally think he got into all the drug abuse shit because he ran with a bad crowd, but mainly it was because he had so much potential and everyone placed such high expectations on him, it became too much to bare. But now that he's older and more mature, he's finally ready to embrace all that talent everyone saw in him. I'm gonna tell you right now, he's gonna start putting up a body of work that's really gonna shine in the next couple of years and he's gonna be bigger than Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks, and George Clooney. But I gotta admit, I keep thinking about Charlie Chaplin when I see Robert Downey Jr. Maybe it's just me.

Gweneth Paltrow, what can I say about her? When she's on screen, you feel like she's right there, looking into your eyes, and soothing you. She just captures you. But her performance was a bit on the fake side in this movie, for she has trouble doing the "heroine in distress" moves. She needs to stick to her Shakespearean crap. Kirsten Dunst is someone she should emulate.

Overall, for those of you who haven't seen this, I'm guessing 60? It's worth the 10 bucks for some good ol' entertainment.


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- little things that happen during my day

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- and much more!!!

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